Del 14 al 17 de Septiembre 2017
Saarbrücken, Germany

11th International Fair Trade Towns Conference

Rendez-vous with thrilling stakeholders from all over the world at the 11th International Fair Trade Towns Conference to share experiences and develop together new perspectives for the World Fair Trade Movement!

The IFTTC is an annual meeting point for international, national and local stakeholders of Fair Trade and Fair Trade Towns. International collaboration as well as strategies for success in national campaigns will be further areas of focus throughout the conference.

Alongside talks and presentations, there will be several workshops that address both specific measures such as the engagement within a university campus and the sustainable procurement within city administration, as well as worldwide issues including the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN and the global development of the Fair Trade system.

The conference is organised by the Fairtrade Initative Saarbrücken (FIS) and its QuattroFair partner organisations in Luxemburg, Metz and Trier. The event will take place in cooperation with the International Fair Trade Towns Steering Committee, Fairtrade International (FI) and the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO)

Programme and registration:

Video invitation

Add to your calendar 2017-09-14 2017-09-17 Europe/Brussels 11th International Fair Trade Towns Conference Saarbrücken, Germany