Del 26 al 28 de Octubre 2018
Strasbourg, France

3rd International Congress on Urban Studies Sustainable Urbanism and Local Governance

Ideal City Awards Finds Owners

Ideal City Awards will be presented to promote studies that calculate multidimensional future growth  of the city, contribute preservation of urban and  architectural texture, urban transformation applications centered on people, efforts to build entity and culture, urban ecology and environmental regulations that benefit human ecology, pedestrian-centered urban planning practices rather than vehicle-centered practices, work that encourages mass transportation, and actors who respect and showing effort the  operation of participatory democracy in cities.

Send your projects and applications that you think you have made a positive contribution to the lives of those living in your city via the application form on the congress web site. Organizing Committee of the 3rd International Urban Studies Congress will evaluate your work under the “Ideal City Awards”.

Application Deadline: 1st September 2018

Award Ceremony: 26th October 2018

Note: The work to be submitted for the Ideal City Awards should be described as general terms included NAME, SCOPE, AIM, IMPLICATIONS of the project. See the congress web site for more information.

Congress website:

Add to your calendar 2018-10-26 2018-10-28 Europe/Brussels 3rd International Congress on Urban Studies Sustainable Urbanism and Local Governance Strasbourg, France