Del 28 al 29 de Noviembre 2022

Venice City Solutions 2030 | 5th edition

Venice City Solutions 2030 is a yearly event that focuses on how cities and local governments are contributing to make the Sustainable Development Goals a reality for all. Venice is not only an event; it is all-year process that bring diverse partners together to provide concrete tools and narratives to advance on the local implementation of Agenda 2030.

This fifth edition develops the idea that we need to “Flip the Script” to achieve the SDGs. We need more inclusive, peaceful and sustainable cities and territories, and we need them now. After the 2 years pandemic and subsequent global turmoil, certain traditional government models are no longer working, and we need new ones.

The SDG are also helping cities to innovate and transform, and we know that this is never an easy process. Venice wants to share specific solutions that other cities and their partners are already experimenting. Each year, we gather in Venice to share how cities are getting inspired by the SDGs, turning around old ways of doing things, and engaging citizens into renewed local action.

All information will be updated at

Download the Concept Note & the Draft Agenda

You can pre-register here

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Add to your calendar 2022-11-28 2022-11-29 Europe/Brussels Venice City Solutions 2030 | 5th edition Online