EWRC 2024 | NALAS selected as partner organisation

30 mayo 2024

The Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South East Europe (NALAS) has been selected to be part of the 22nd edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities (7-10 October). Out of more than 400 submissions the session proposal titled “Unlocking digital frontiers & maximizing potential for Western Balkans “, presented in tandem with KDZ, the Center for Public administration Research from Vienna (Austria), was successful in the selection process.

The session topic relates to the EWRC 2024 theme “Smart and sustainable growth for regions”. The context of the session is set by the fact that despite the EU strongly backing local Green & Digital transformation, many local governments from Southeast Europe aren’t informed or aware of the benefits yet. Funding from Digital Europe Programme is available, but awareness is lacking, with few national help desks established. Partnering with EU cities is underutilized. NALAS & KDZ worked on digitization, forming a working group within the network to exchange experiences and tap into EU initiatives. This collaboration fosters understanding, bridging gaps, enhancing participation in EU initiatives.

The “EURegionsWeek close to you session” aims to part knowledge and practice presenting smart pilot projects, discuss the first assessment of the strengths and weaknesses but also potentials of digital transformation on local level in WB6 and Moldova realised by the Digitalisation Working Group and compare it to the findings of the follow up assessment (2nd Digitalisation Study).

Finally, KDZ and NALAS, in partnership with the Committee of the Regions, work towards the Help Desk establishment for Digital Europe Programme for funding opportunities, reinforcing digital capacities via support services for EU Local Digital Twin Toolbox and open standard solutions. The session is expected to contribute to awareness raising and to open to new EU-backed initiatives and programmes in the field of the digital and green agenda.

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