
Opinion | Cities and climate change: building resilience against water-related risks

“Cities can be at the forefront of climate adaptation”, assert Jacopo Furlanetto and Jaroslav My...
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EcoSaMe: Pioneering circular economy solutions for sustainable sanitation in Menoua region, Cameroon

(6/6) Discover today how Nantes Métropole  wants to improve access to essential services and livin...
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KIFFA eau: A partnership for sustainable water management and community well-being

(5/6) Discover today how the «KIFFA Eau» project led by Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole (Fra...
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AKUAL: Avanzando en agua y saneamiento a través de la cooperación descentralizada

(1/6) Descubre hoy cómo Euskadi presenta su programa de cooperación interinstitucional en agua y s...
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Register | Training Academy on Climate resilience and local water management

Water systems are critical for resilience, yet climate change poses significant risks, including inc...
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Greening the Western Balkans

The event  “Local Self-governments Forum – Green Agenda for the Western Balkans”  focused on...
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Reaching regional quality standards in water and sanitation services

The Project “Regional Capacity Development Network for Water and Sanitation Services (RCDN), coord...
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New e-learning course available in NALAS e-Academy on water and sanitation

NALAS e-Academy has been enriched with a new e-learning course on Capital infrastructure investment ...
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Cités Unies France participates at the World Water Forum

On the occasion of the World Water Forum (21-26 March in Dakar, Senegal), Cités Unies France and th...
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Water cooperation with global South helps European regions

By Vlagyiszlav Makszimov | Decentralised cooperation for sustainable water managemen...
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El Ayuntamiento de Bilbao y el Consorcio de Aguas Bilbao Bizkaia cooperan en materia de agua y saneamiento con El Salvador y Costa Rica

Se trata de un programa triangular de cooperación interinstitucional en materia de agua y saneamien...
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Fons Mallorquí responde a la situación de emergencia en Perú

La Comisión Ejecutiva del Fons Mallorquí de Solidaritat i Cooperació aprobó el proyecto de emerg...
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La fuente que facilita el acceso a agua salubre

Después de que el huracán Mathew devastara Haití, el país más pobre del Caribe, el otoño pasad...
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¡Las ciudades también muestran su compromiso en el tema de las agua residuales!

Las ciudades de Chinon y Etaules (ambas en Francia), junto a Tenkodogo, una ciudad en Burkina Faso, ...
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