Ayuda y asistencia

Palestinian Councillor from Ramallah Municipality and Gender expert to visit four Majorcan municipalities

As part of the Les Elegides program, which aims to foster and strengthen the political participation...
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AIMF is mobilising and opened an Emergency Fund in Solidarity with Lebanon

The current military escalation in the Middle East is taking a heavy toll on Lebanon, its territorie...
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Las instituciones públicas vascas destinaron en 2022 más de 81 millones de euros a iniciativas de solidaridad con países del Sur

En 2022, las instituciones públicas vascas de cooperación para el desarrollo apoyaron 1.189 inicia...
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“Official Development Assistance isn’t as generous as the figures might suggest”

By Marlène Siméon, Director of PLATFORMA $204 billion. This is the total amount of aid provided in...
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FEMP is improving access to data on Official Development Assistance by local governments

The Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), with the assistance of the internatio...
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Estonian municipalities send power generators to Ukraine

Thanks to donations from Estonian municipalities, the Association of Estonian Cities and Municipalit...
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Cités Unies France supports Turkish local authorities affected by the earthquake

Cités Unies France has decided to launch a solidarity fund for the local governments affected by th...
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Call for cities and regions to provide generators for Ukraine

The European Commission and the Committee of the Regions have launched a humanitarian appeal to Eu...
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French associations of local governments voice out about their support to Ukraine

48 States and 24 international public institutions were invited to the International Conference in S...
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Swedish association monitors Ukrainian Administrative service Centers in wartime

SALAR and SKL International has conducted an analysis of the situation for the Ukrainian Administrat...
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European mayors eye long-term partnerships with counterparts to rebuild Ukraine

By Vlagyiszlav Makszimov | EURACTIV.com   Leaders of European cities and towns a...
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Register to the matching platform for Ukrainian and other European cities

Ukrainian municipalities have started to provide information about their needs on the recently launc...
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NALAS e-learning course on Inclusive Disaster Risk Management

Within the project titled “Enhancing local capacities to implement the 2030 Agenda» and the “Le...
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Discover how Cités Unies France and UCLG used the Module 4 on the ground in Ghana & Mali

Following the Covid-19 pandemic, Cités Unies France (CUF) has identified the most impacted local co...
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El Programa Vasco de Protección Temporal para Defensoras y Defensores de DDHH celebra 10 años

El pasado 27 de octubre se celebró en Bilbao el acto de celebración del X aniversario del Programa...
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eLankidetza apoya proyectos humanitarios en conflictos y situaciones de violencia

eLankidetza-Agencia Vasca de Cooperación para el Desarrollo va a aportar 4,5 millones de euros para...
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ICLD’s updates | Gender based violence, partnership and social inclusion

Champion of local democracy, Adelina Mwau Ndeto, combat gender based violence In order to combat gen...
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Diputació de Barcelona reaffirms its commitment to Lebanese local governments

Following the violence of the explosion in the port of Beirut on August 4, which caused more than 17...
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Euskal Fondoa ha celebrado su XXIV. Asamblea General

Euskal Fondoa, Asociación que en la actualidad reúne a 115 Entidades Locales Vascas Cooperantes, h...
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Cités Unies France sets a Solidarity fund for Lebanon

On Tuesday August 4, two explosions destroyed the port of Beirut and affected a large part of the ci...
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