Cities facing crises: which partnerships with the humanitarian players?

9 noviembre 2018

Cités Unies France, in the framework of the working group on prevention and management of territorial crisis and in partnership with VNG, launched an international consultation to draft two policy documents around the questions of the crises and the role of the local and regional governments in the disaster preparedness and response:

  • a policy document and political position of UCLG on the role of local and regional governments in preventing and responding to a crisis;
  • a protocol of engagement between local governments and humanitarian players in the event of an urban crisis.

The first draft of these documents will be ready by December 2018. As early as 2019, a major symposium on these issues will be organised. European networks of local and regional governments will be invited to participate.

For more information, please contact: Simone Giovetti

Moreover, on 24 October, a webinar on working in countries and cities in crisis was co-organised by the CIB working group and the UCLG Working Group on prevention and management of territorial crisis and hosted by FCM. More information and recording on VNG International website.

The French territorial authorities engaged for the reconstruction of Iraq:

Cités Unies France launches a concerted action plan in partnership with the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs for local and regioonal governments wishing to contribute to the reconstruction efforts of this country. A mission is in preparation.

(Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash)

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