AFCCRE | 4th gatherings France-Poland-Ukraine

With about 250 twinning and partnership agreements, Poland is the first partner country of French local authorities in Central and Eastern Europe. Thanks to the links established between Poland and Ukraine, a certain number of French local authorities have already been able to join their Polish partner in the solidarity effort towards Ukraine.

The war in Ukraine has put Poland at the centre of Europe. Most of the aid delivered to Ukraine is channelled through Poland. Moreover, Poland is the first country to welcome Ukrainian refugees – 1.5 million of them – thanks to the constant mobilisation of the Polish people, their local authorities and their elected representatives.

In this context, the AFCCRE proposes a time of exchange with Polish and Ukrainian colleagues, on 11 and 12 May in Rzeszów, a city of 200,000 inhabitants, capital of the Subcarpathian Voivodship (Podkarpackie), in the south-east of Poland, which its proximity to the Ukrainian border has transformed into a first-rate logistical hub.

Organised in partnership with the Association of Polish Cities (ZMP), the Association of Ukrainian Cities (AUC) and in connection with the French Embassies in Poland and Ukraine, this meeting is supported by the Delegation for the external action of local authorities of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.

The aim of this meeting is to take stock of Franco-Polish twinning and partnerships since the last «Assises de la coopération franco-polonaise» organised in St-Brieuc in June 2018. This is the first meeting of elected officials after the renewals of the territorial assemblies in France and Poland.

The work will also allow French and Polish elected representatives and local officials to exchange with their Ukrainian counterparts to find out how the local authorities of our two countries can help them. The aim will be to highlight solidarity actions that have been undertaken or that could be envisaged in the long term jointly by French and Polish local authorities with Ukrainian partners.

More infotmation on AFCCRE website.

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