Climate summit for local leaders
Next December 4, on the fringe of the official negotiations of the 2015 Paris Climate Conference (COP21), local decision-makers from all over the world are expected at Paris City Hall to commit in favour of the climate.
The Climate Summit for Local Leaders, co-chaired by Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris, and Michael Bloomberg, the UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Cities and Climate Change, will table place at Paris City Hall on December, 4. This Summit will bring together mayors and local leaders from five continents to highlight the commitments of cities and communities and to contribute to the success of COP21.
For the first time at a Conference Of the Parties (COP), the leading European and worldwide networks of cities (such as CGLU, ICLEI, C40, PLATFORMA and its members such as the AIMF and the CCRE) will come together to make a commitment in favour of the climate.
PLATFORMA and the CEMR will organise on the December 5 from 9.30am to 12.30am a thematic conference “European cities and regions united against climate change”. Held in Paris city hall, the conference will aim at showcasing local and regional governments’ activities and best practices in climate-oriented decentralised cooperation.
Consult the program and video presentation of the Climate Summit for Local Leaders.
For more information and to register, please contact Marine Gaudron at PLATFORMA.