Ei 12 de Octubre 2016
Bogotá, Colombia
CUF – Seminar to promote decentralised cooperation between France and Colombia
Cités Unies France, the Colombian Federation of Municipalities, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development, the French Development Agency and the Colombian Presidential agency of cooperation, in close collaboration with the cooperation and investment agency Medellin and the metropolitan area, the euro Latin American Alliance of cooperation among cities and the University of Rosario is organising a seminar to promote decentralised cooperation between France and Colombia.
This seminar will be held on Wednesday 12 October 2016 at the University of Rosario in Bogota, Colombia.
Felicia Medina, Project Manager Latin America and Caribbean f.medina@cites-unies-france.org
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CUF – Seminar to promote decentralised cooperation between France and Colombia
Bogotá, Colombia