Fons Mallorquí is participating in an Erasmus + project aimed at helping immigrant women

27 septiembre 2017

Fons Mallorquí de Solidaritat has been invited to participate in an Erasmus + project led by a center dedicated to adult education (CEPA Son Canals). The «Above all, citizens» project is aimed at helping immigrant women.

The objective of this project is to welcome immigrant women in order to offer them training in two ways: as citizens and as members of a community with a specific identity. Therefore, it will work on two main themes: general citizenship and integration within the host community.

CEPA Son Canals will organise trainings and workshops in collaboration with other entities, so that women participating in the program will know the state and autonomous legislation in civil rights and duties, on the labor market and other resources they might need. It is also necessary for them to access easily information on health and women issues, such as contraception and maternity.

The aims of the project are: to achieve the protection of the women and their capacity to protect their daughters against gender violence; to provide advice and information regarding ill-treatment, in order to avoid prohibited practices such as ablation, forced marriages, leaving school before the legal age…

The project will involve a group of ten women, students of the CEPA Son Canals, from 20 to 50 years old, mainly from Morocco, Mali, Ecuador and Bolivia. They will be the main recipients of the training during the first year of the project. During the second year, they will be in charge of facilitating the involvement of other women from their family and neighborhood circles. In this way, the first group of women will become cultural mediators while expanding the number of the participants of the project.

European dimension

This project will also be developed at European level with the participation of the Università del Tempo Libero in Italy, Folkuniversitetet in Sweeden, and the Académie de Créteil in France.

In Mallorca, the entities that besides Fund Mallorquí will collaborate on this project are: the Balearic Women’s Institute, the University of the Balearic Islands, the Mallorca Insular Council, Palma Activa, the area of Social Services of the Municipality of Palma, Treball Solidari, and the Balcat Foundation.

Fons Mallorquí will participate in the project by offering the raising awareness materials to its members and to the schools that are part of the network of solidary educational centres, such as CEPA Son Canals. In particular, the Fons will lead the workshops on the causes and consequences of global inequalities, on the causes and effects of migrations. An exhibition about women in Africa will be inaugurated shortly.

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