SDGs: «We feel the urgency to do much more», urges the multi-stakeholder platform in a joint letter
“We want to send a vibrant signal to the leaders, stakeholders and people within and outside the European Union: time has come – more than ever – to develop and implement a visionary and ambitious Strategy for a Sustainable Europe 2030.”
So begins a letter signed by CEMR secretary general, Frédéric Vallier, also endorsed by the 30 high-level members of the so-called «EU SDG multi-stakeholder platform«, meeting in Brussels, on 11 October 2018. While highlighting the work achieved so far, the letter urges all stakeholders to do much more. «So, might the sustainability dialogue and collaboration within this Platform – both between the stakeholders and with the EU institutions – rapidly improve and grow«, the letter ends.
The signing ceremony comes in the wake of the adoption of a report on how to transform the Sustainable Development Goals into practical solutions for the wellbeing of the present and future generations in the EU and beyond.
The report includes a series of recommendations and actions to guide the Commission’s Reflection paper «Towards a Sustainable Europe by 2030».
In the words of the document, “the EU needs to play an active role as coordinator and promotor of sustainable development, both in Europe and around the world, and encourage collaboration between the EU, Member States, regional and local levels.”
It also calls on the European Commission to “support local and regional governments’ efforts on localising the SDGs through initiatives and tools, such as the Reference Framework for Sustainable Cities (RFSC), which provide assistance to mainstream and monitor progress on the SDGs into local and regional policies.”
The 30 members of the platform now looks forward to seeing their proposals reflected in the discussions on the future of Europe, especially in light of the European elections of 2019.
The meeting was chaired by the first vice-president Frans Timmermans and vice-president Katainen. It brought together stakeholders from civil society, non-governmental organisations, the private and corporate sector.
Click here to view photos of this event.
(Photo © European Union, 2018)