Humanitarian Assistance

Palestinian Councillor from Ramallah Municipality and Gender expert to visit four Majorcan municipalities

As part of the Les Elegides program, which aims to foster and strengthen the political participation...
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AIMF is mobilising and opened an Emergency Fund in Solidarity with Lebanon

The current military escalation in the Middle East is taking a heavy toll on Lebanon, its territorie...
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“Official Development Assistance isn’t as generous as the figures might suggest”

By Marlène Siméon, Director of PLATFORMA $204 billion. This is the total amount of aid provided in...
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FEMP is improving access to data on Official Development Assistance by local governments

The Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), with the assistance of the internatio...
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Cités Unies France supports Turkish local authorities affected by the earthquake

Cités Unies France has decided to launch a solidarity fund for the local governments affected by th...
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Call for cities and regions to provide generators for Ukraine

The European Commission and the Committee of the Regions have launched a humanitarian appeal to Eu...
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French associations of local governments voice out about their support to Ukraine

48 States and 24 international public institutions were invited to the International Conference in S...
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European mayors eye long-term partnerships with counterparts to rebuild Ukraine

By Vlagyiszlav Makszimov |   Leaders of European cities and towns a...
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Register to the matching platform for Ukrainian and other European cities

Ukrainian municipalities have started to provide information about their needs on the recently launc...
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Discover how Cités Unies France and UCLG used the Module 4 on the ground in Ghana & Mali

Following the Covid-19 pandemic, Cités Unies France (CUF) has identified the most impacted local co...
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El Programa Vasco de Protección Temporal para Defensoras y Defensores de DDHH celebra 10 años

El pasado 27 de octubre se celebró en Bilbao el acto de celebración del X aniversario del Programa...
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eLankidetza apoya proyectos humanitarios en conflictos y situaciones de violencia

eLankidetza-Agencia Vasca de Cooperación para el Desarrollo va a aportar 4,5 millones de euros para...
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Euskal Fondoa ha celebrado su XXIV. Asamblea General

Euskal Fondoa, Asociación que en la actualidad reúne a 115 Entidades Locales Vascas Cooperantes, h...
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Register to our webinar EU Neighbourhood South – Safeguarding human rights in the post-COVID-19 context

PLATFORMA and the Parliamentary assembly of the Mediterranean are jointly organising a webinar on «...
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Cités Unies France sets a Solidarity fund for Lebanon

On Tuesday August 4, two explosions destroyed the port of Beirut and affected a large part of the ci...
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MEP Tomas Tobé – Involving local governments to improve aid effectiveness

The involvement of the local and regional level is crucial to achieve results in development coopera...
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Interview: Urpilainen on COVID-19 – “we are very much working together with the local communities, and local and regional organisations»

This interview with International Partnerships Commissioner Jutta Urpilainen by Beatriz Rios was ...
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Opinion article | EU global response to COVID-19: a global pandemic with local solutions!

This op-ed by PLATFORMA Director, Marlène Siméon, was originally published in English in Euractiv...
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Fons Mallorquí: three emergency projects to reduce the effects of COVID-19 in southern countries

Three emergency projects have been approved by the Executive commission of Fons Mallorquí to reduce...
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Towns and regions are acting worldwide to fight against COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is now spread all over the world and some countries will be soon heavily impac...
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