VVOB needs you to build a consortium on SDG schools

9 enero 2018

The Flemish Association for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance (VVOB) is looking for local governments involved in city links and/or school links to establish an international network of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) schools.

VVOB calls on Civil society organisations (CSO) and local authorities to express their interest to participate in submitting a proposal for the European DEAR programme (Development Education and Awareness Raising). VVOB wants to propose a programme that establishes an international network of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) schools that will exchange on SDG related topics and develop global citizenship in young children and youth. To build a strong consortium, VVOB is looking for partners.

Schools in the Global South (South America, Africa and Asia) will also participate in the network. This will enrich the European perspective on the SDGs and allows participating schools to approach SDG topics as global challenges. Through this connection with peers from non-EU countries, the SDGs can become more concrete.

The specific objective of the European Commission’s Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) programme is to develop European citizens’ awareness and critical understanding of the interdependent world and of their role, responsibility and lifestyles in a globalised society.

PLATFORMA strongly encourages the creation of a European consortium involving local governments to work on development education and awareness raising.

Click here for more information on the VVOB project.

Expressions of interest can be sent to soetkin.bauwens@vvob.be

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