Ei 5 de Octubre 2020

EWRC: How sub-national authorities act to transform and galvanise their societies and practices localising and raising awareness about SDGs

FAMSI, together with PLATFORMA, VVSG, LALRG, AFCCRE, Bordeaux Metropole and many other stakeholders, is organising a session at the European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC) on 5 October from 14.30 to 16.00.

To facilitate an intense exchange and peer-learning among EU LRG and support and empower them to join their voice and action, the organisers will initiate a constructive dialogue to encourage the uptake of practices and similar actions to boost local action for implementing the SDGs and consolidating partnerships and cooperation models.

This session is focused on the key role of the local and regional governments (LRG) in reaching 2030 Agenda promoting public policies focused on city-wide transformation guided by the SDGs and encouraging community’s attitudes towards Global Agendas commitment applied to the local level through DEAR. Our partnership aims to show different experiences and knowledge about innovative practices in the integration and localisation of the SDGs in local public policies. The session will then focus on the strategic role the closest level of government in the implementation of DEAR activities and SDG localisation. A panel of experts will describe key enablers and the approaches taken by their entity to involve their public policies and citizens towards an inclusive, city-wide transformation to sustainable development and achievement of the 2030 agenda. 

Check the full agenda and registration link here.

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Link to Webstreaming.

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