Ei 21 de Julio 2021

Webinar | COVID-19 & the future of development cooperation, by the Government of Catalonia

‘COVID-19 and the future of development cooperation’ webinar; the last one of the series ‘COVID-19 and cooperation’

21 July, 17.00-18.30 CEST

REGISTER AT: bit.ly/covidCooperacio

The event will provide simultaneous interpretation in English and Spanish.

Join us to discuss:

  • How development cooperation has responded to the pandemic
  • What changes are needed in this public policy to address the crisis of the global development model
  • How to overcome the outdated dichotomy North-South in favour of a vision of global challenges and shared responsibilities

Opening and closing remarks:

  • Victòria Alsina, Minister for Foreign Action and Open Government , Government of Catalonia
  • Josep Desquens , Director General of Development Cooperation , Government of Catalonia


  • Jonathan Glennie, Policy adviser, practitioner, researcher, and writer on international development
  • Sarah Sabin Khan, Research Officer at the United Nations Development Programme country office in Bangladesh
  • Ignacio Martínez, Doctor of Development Studies and professor in the Department of Political Sciences at Complutense University of Madrid
  • Krystel Montpetit, Foresight Team Lead at the OECD’s Development Co operation Directorate

The current crisis is expected to have a far-reaching and long-term humanitarian and socioeconomic impact. However, we have the opportunity to rethink and reformulate norms and policies for a social and economic recovery with a human rights-based approach to build a greener, healthier and more equitable world that leaves no one behind.

With the aim of facilitating a debate on these issues and making proposals for development cooperation policies to strengthen international cooperation, the Government of Catalonia, through the Directorate General for Development Cooperation, is organizing this webinar.

Add to your calendar 2021-07-21 2021-07-21 Europe/Brussels Webinar | COVID-19 & the future of development cooperation, by the Government of Catalonia Online