New deadlines for the European Commission call on city-to-city partnerships!

18 marzo 2020

The deadline to send applications (concept notes) to the European Commission call for proposals “Local Authorities: Partnerships for sustainable cities” 2020 has been postponed to 14 April at 4.00 pm (Brussels date and time), instead of 27 March 12.00 pm.

There is a new opportunity to send written questions to before 24 March at 4:00 pm.

Finally, the enveloppe to «Lot 6: Partnerships for sustainable cities in fragile countries» is increased by €50,000, for a total of €5,550,000.

What is it about?

The objective of this new call for proposals is to promote integrated urban development through partnerships built between local and regional governments from EU Member States and partner countries’ ones, in accordance with the 2030 Agenda on sustainable development.

Need more info?

All information on the call for proposals “Local Authorities: Partnerships for sustainable cities 2020” are available on EuropeAid website.

(Picture by Monika Kozub on Unsplash)

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