SALAR International supporting Ukrainian municipalities

10 septiembre 2024

Since the Maidan Revolution of Dignity in 2014, SALAR International has been supporting the Ukrainian decentralisation reform and local self-governance. Building on the previous impactful projects in Ukraine, SALAR International is now launching two new Sida funded programmes in the country: “Polaris – supporting multilevel governance in Ukraine” and “Strengthening of Municipal Waste Management in Ukraine”.

“Polaris – supporting multilevel governance in Ukraine” is primarily designed to strengthen local self-governance, enhance municipal capacities, promote democratic governance and assist in the recovery and reconstruction of war-affected regions. The program will run from 2024 to 2028.

Through “Strengthening of Municipal Waste Management in Ukraine» (2024-2027) SALAR International will, in close collaboration with Avfall Sverige (Swedish Waste Management), help to transform municipal waste management in Ukraine. Responding to the Ukrainian government’s appeal for assistance the programme is designed to support Ukraine’s reforms of municipal waste management. The programme also seeks to align Ukraine’s municipal waste management practices with EU standards and rules, with major benefits for environmental sustainability, climate protection and quality of life for Ukrainian citizens.

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