Open letter: «Don’t cut Official Development Aid budgets»

The presidents of the three French associations of local and regional governments which are partners...
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Referendum | Local governments and international networks strengthen Moldova’s European path

CEMR Secretary General Fabrizio Rossi offered heartfelt congratulations to Moldova following the res...
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Decentralisation, the driving force behind the Franco-Moldovan partnership

On 19 and 20 September, local and national leaders from France and Moldova gathered in Grenoble (Fra...
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«COP28 represents a huge step for local and regional governments»

COP28 Presidency and Bloomberg Philanthropies convened the first-ever subnational leaders’ summit ...
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A flashback to the setting up of AFCCRE’s «Euromed» Commission in Barcelona

The installation meeting of AFCCRE’s «Euromed» Commission took place on 23 and 24 November i...
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AFCCRE University: A new «narrative for Europe» must be developed

Marseilles hosted the 9th European University of the French Association of the Council of European M...
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Marseille | CEMR Secretary General delivers keynote address on EU enlargement and local partnerships

Fabrizio Rossi, Secretary General of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), deli...
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Bridges of Trust | French municipalities engage in reconstruction in Ukraine

(This article was initially published on CEMR website) 3 Ukrainian municipalities Apostolove, Zeleno...
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Local and regional governments at the heart of Moldova’s European project

About fifty French and Moldovan mayors and local elected representatives met on 30 and 31 March in C...
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French associations of local governments voice out about their support to Ukraine

48 States and 24 international public institutions were invited to the International Conference in S...
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Local governments are taking part at IUCN World Conservation Congress in Marseille

The IUCN World Conservation Congress which will be held in Marseille from 3 to 11 September will be ...
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Informing and involving citizens is central in municipalities strategy towards the localisation of the 2030 Agenda

The Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for International Solidarity (FAMSI), together with PLATFORMA,...
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France-Ukraine-Poland “Rencontres” in Tours and Orleans focused around the Eastern Partnership of the EU

Local governments from France, Poland, Ukraine and the European Union Eastern Partnership countries ...
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French local elected representatives reaching out to Ukrainian peers

The French Association of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (AFCCRE) organised a vi...
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PLATFORMA is represented at the Cities Summit in Nairobi

The fourth session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-4) will take place from 11-15 March 2019, in...
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Ukraine’s way to local self-governance reforms

The Vice Prime Minister and Minister of regional development of Ukraine, Gennadiy Zubko, was in Brus...
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New publication: Raising citizens’ awareness on cities’ cooperation actions

Raising awareness on public and associative initiatives taken in the field of development cooperatio...
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Promoting gender equality in decentralised cooperation

In Europe, as elsewhere in the world, gender equality is not a given. But what can be done? The new ...
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France: the «Youth IV» call for projects in support of decentralised cooperation is launched

For the fourth consecutive year, the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs is launching a «...
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COP23: Overview of European tools available for cooperation in the field of climate action

As the negotiations on the implementation of the Paris Agreement are going on in Bonn (6 to 17 Novem...
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