[EXPIRED] The European Commission 3rd call for proposals “Partnership for sustainable cities” is open!

9 marzo 2021

The European Commission has just published its 2021 Call for Proposals on Local Authorities: Partnerships for sustainable cities. Municipalities and regions are invited to apply and put forward valuable proposals.

In 2018, the Commission launched the programme “Local Authorities: Partnerships for sustainable cities” for a total amount of €164,7 million.

In November 2018, a first call for proposals was launched, resulting in the signature of 16 projects worth €53 million. In February 2020, a second call covering all remaining funds (€111,55 million) was launched. Due the Covid-19 pandemic and following lock-down of many local public administrations, only 26 propositions were selected for a total budget of €71,1 million.

The European Commission now informs that the remaining funds (almost €40 million) are now used to launch the 3rd call for proposals.

Objectives and specifics of this Call for Proposals:
The objective of the Call for Proposals is to promote integrated urban development through partnerships built among local authorities and partner countries in accordance with the 2030 Development Agenda.
The proposals made by the members should focus on:

  1. Strengthening urban governance
  2. Ensuring the inclusiveness of cities
  3. Improving the resilience and greening of cities
  4. Improving prosperity and innovation in cities 

The priority of this call for proposals is to promote the EU development cooperation Rights-Based Approach, encompassing human rights, including participation and access to the decision-making process, non-discrimination (including Gender Equality) and equal access, accountability and access to the rule of law and transparency and access to information. Applicants must clearly indicate and explain how they address this priority.

Please note that local and regional governments and their associations in Asia-Pacific, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean are encouraged to submit proposals.
All criteria and available funds can be found in these documents
Deadline and procedure to submit proposal:
Please note that the deadline to apply is 23 April 2021 16:00 CEST (Brussels Time).
Any questions on the call can be addressed to intpa-171273@ec.europa.eu 

(Photo by Yannik Sauerwein on Unsplash)

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