NEW DATE! Webinar – From the crisis you come out cooperating: decentralised cooperation during and after COVID-19 (in Spanish)
Hand in hand with the Basque Agency for Development Cooperation, the Autonomous Communities, the Cooperation and Solidarity Funds and other actors in decentralised cooperation, invite you to the virtual seminar « From the crisis you come out cooperating: decentralised cooperation during and after the COVID-19 ”which aims to reflect on the challenges that COVID-19 poses for decentralised cooperation and make proposals to address them.
- Aziza Akhmouch, Head of the OECD Cities, Urban Policies and Sustainable Development Division
- José Antonio Alonso, Professor at the Complutense University from Madrid
- Agustí Fernandez De Losada, Director of the Global Cities Program of the CIDOB (Barcelona Center for International Affairs)
- Moderated by Pilar Kaltzada, Journalist and writer
Thursday 4 June at 6 pm CEST.
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