Démocratie locale

Community of Practice explores citizens’ assemblies for more inclusive local governance

An insightful online peer exchange on citizens’ assemblies in South-East Europe took place on 29 J...
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Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments shared best practice in Namibia

On 6 and 7 November, local government representatives from Latvia participated in a study visit in N...
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EU-CELAC Summit: local governments want to be part of the new EU – Latin America and the Caribbean relations

In a joint Declaration, local and regional leaders of the Latin America Caribbean region (LAC) and o...
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EU-CELAC Summit: a multi-stakeholder follow-up mechanism to ensure long-term engagement of local governments, civil society and trade unions

In a joint letter sent yesterday (6 July), PLATFORMA and the Council of European Municipalities and ...
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PLATFORMA, NALAS & VNG International become members of Team Europe Democracy

PLATFORMA, NALAS & VNG International attended the first TED Network annual meeting on 21 June in...
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10 ans de dialogue transfrontalier entre les Maires de la Région des Grands Lacs

Bujumbura (Burundi) a accueilli du 31 mai au 3 juin la 10e Assemblée générale de la Plateforme de...
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Swedish association monitors Ukrainian Administrative service Centers in wartime

SALAR and SKL International has conducted an analysis of the situation for the Ukrainian Administrat...
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Les collectivités territoriales d’Europe se mobilisent pour soutenir les Ukrainiens

700 maires et élus locaux ou régionaux de toute l’Europe se sont unis aux côtés de l’Ukraine...
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CEMR condemns unprovoked Russian military build-up on the Ukrainian border towns and regions

The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) condemns unprovoked Russian military build...
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Myanmar: Service delivery and local governance in a crisis situation

One year ago, a military coup happened in Myanmar and VNG International project activities came to a...
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Maires d’Europe et au-delà, participez à la Plateforme d’action des maires !

Publiez vos propres réussites, lisez des études de cas d’autres municipalités et entrez directe...
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Regardez ¡Ojalá! et apprenez-en plus sur le partenariat gagnant DIBA-IMADEL !

Suivez les premiers pas de Michelle, une Barcelonaise de 25 ans, à Marrakech (Maroc). Elle découvr...
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Partenariat Afrique-Europe : Connecter les jeunes leaders locaux !

Alors que l’Europe et l’Afrique font face à des défis communs de plus en plus nombreux, il dev...
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Soutenez l’appel pour la démocratie et les droits humains au Bélarus !

Le CCRE invite ses associations membres, les élus locaux et régionaux, et citoyens à se joindre ...
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Barcelona Provincial Council launches a guide on decentralised development cooperation for elected officials

The Barcelona Provincial Council has launched a new publication entitled « Guide on decentralised ...
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The Council of Barcelona highlights the importance of policy coherence at the local level with an info-animation

“We live in a hyper-connected world, in which from the great powers to the smallest municipalities...
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Quality education is the basis for the sustainable development of society

On June 18, a discussion seminar “Quality education for all – the basis for sustainable deve...
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Discover VNG International toolkit to promote local economic development

There are many ways to promote local economic development (LED). Not necessarily better or worse way...
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Laissez-vous inspirer par les lauréats des PLATFORMAwards !

Le renforcement de la participation des citoyens et la promotion de l’égalité des genres au ...
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The Basque Country identifies challenges and potential of decentralised cooperation in light of new global demands

Highlighting decentralised development cooperation and reflecting on its differential contribution, ...
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