DEVE Committee Public hearing | The implementation of NDICI-Global Europe: how to involve local and regional authorities and communities?
The European Parliament Committee on Development (DEVE) will hold a public hearing on 30 November 2022 to discuss ‘The implementation of NDICI-Global Europe: how to involve local and regional authorities and communities?’, moderated by Charles Goerens (Renew, LU) and Udo Bullmann (S&D, DE).
The hearing aims to analyse how local and regional authorities (LRAs) should take a prominent role in the implementation of the EU’s development cooperation policy. It will count with the participation of local authorities representatives, experts and practitioners.
Marlène Siméon, director of PLATFORMA and director of operations of CEMR, Fatimatou Abdel Malick, President of the Regional Conseil of Nouakchott, President of UCLG Africa, and Marlene Holzner, Head of Unit, Local Authorities, Civil Society Organisations and Foundations, DG INTPA, European Commission, will take the floor.