Le 10 décembre 2020

NALAS/GIZ Webinar: Awareness Raising on human rights, non-discrimination and inclusion at local level

Awareness Raising Webinar on human rights, non-discrimination and inclusion at local level

Are you a municipal professional ready to plan and implement awareness-raising for vulnerable groups?

Take part to NALAS and GIZ is organising a webinar on Awareness Raising on human rights, non-discrimination and inclusion at local level on Thursday 10 December, 11.00- 13.00 (CET), on Zoom.

This webinar is part of a regional programme titled “Enhancing local capacities to implement the 2030 Agenda and the Leave No One Behind Principle”.

More information.

Register here.

Ajouter à votre calendrier 2020-12-10 2020-12-10 Europe/Brussels NALAS/GIZ Webinar: Awareness Raising on human rights, non-discrimination and inclusion at local level Online