Le 16 septembre 2020

Conférence des maires en ligne sur les gouvernements locaux dans la relance socio-économique post COVID-19 en Europe du Sud-Est

How do South-East Europe local governments deal with COVID-19 and its consequences? NALAS, the Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe, is organising an online Mayors’ Conference on Local Governments in post COVID-19 Socio-Economic Recovery in South-East Europe on 16 September, 13:00-15:40 CET, via the Zoom platform.

The conference will feature municipal good practices in three areas:

1) Community mobilisation in dealing with COVID-19;

2) Improving access and opportunities;

3) Support to local economy. We will look at the findings of the NALAS Survey on Social and Economic Recovery and draft policy positions aiming at successful recovery.

The conference will be held in English. Interested participants need to fill in a registration form by clicking at the following link.

The detailed agenda for the conference is available on NALAS website.

Check as well the Conference promotional video on Youtube.

Ajouter à votre calendrier 2020-09-16 2020-09-16 Europe/Brussels Conférence des maires en ligne sur les gouvernements locaux dans la relance socio-économique post COVID-19 en Europe du Sud-Est Online
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