Inclusive Municipalities for a home for all children on the move

13 novembre 2023

The promotion of foster care for minors, adolescents and young people on the move was launched in five Andalusian municipalities with the initial meeting of the Advisory Committee of the Inclusive Municipalities project on 6 October. This project is co-financed by the Andalusian Regional Government’s Department of Social Inclusion, Youth, Families and Equality and will be carried out in the municipalities of Seville, Jerez, Huelva, Malaga and Jaen.

Among the main activities envisaged is the creation of a guide document that includes the main characteristics of foster care and the legal framework associated with it; communication, dissemination and awareness-raising campaigns on foster care; meetings with children on the move; meetings with local media; and a closing event to draw conclusions and design a roadmap for the sustainability of the project.

The first meeting served as an opportunity to make contact with experts and civil society organisations that work on a daily basis in the reception of minors on the move, and several elements were identified to be taken into account throughout the implementation of the programme. In this regard, it has been highlighted that it is important to count on the participation of families in the respective countries of origin as a form of psychosocial support in the process of integration of minors in Spain.

On the other hand, it is important to develop more campaigns that not only raise awareness among Andalusian families about the reception of minors on the move, but, above all, provide advice, accompaniment and support in this process. The most outstanding obstacles that families need support with are, at least, socio-cultural, economic and bureaucratic-administrative obstacles.

We have also been able to conclude, based on the diversity of experiences of experts and professionals, that listening to the children in movement themselves is important throughout this process.

This project assumes the commitment that as civil society we must assume co-responsibility for building a cohesive society in which children on the move are not an element of discord and the promotion of racism, xenophobia and discrimination. This initiative complements several others that, for years, have been working at national and regional level to improve the lives of many minors who wish to build a dignified life and contribute to Spanish and Andalusian society.

More information on Famsi’s website.

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