Measuring policy coherence for development with the support of the Barcelona Provincial Council

6 juillet 2022

The Barcelona Provincial Council provided support to the Sant Boi de Llobregat City Hall to design a set of indicators to assess policy coherence for development. The set of indicators was developed with the advice of Political Watch, an advocacy and research centre.

Fifty-one indicators will provide regular information to the city council on the main social, economic and environmental impact that public policies generate on global public goods linked to sustainable development and, in particular, on developing countries. It will allow to monitor and provide evidence to better to design new policies and improve existing ones.

The work consisted of a participatory process, study of documentation, interviews and working meetings. The end result is the document Design of a set of indicators on policy coherence, containing detailed sheets for each indicator conforming the set. The document is available in Spanish and Catalan

In this way, the aim was to respond to the municipality’s commitment to sustainable development and the objectives and values ??of the development cooperation policy stated in its Development Cooperation Plan and its Government Plan, which is based on the mandate of the 2030 Agenda.

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