
Ukraine | VNG International went to Kyiv

The International Cooperation Agency of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities, VNG Internati...
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NALAS continues building bridges of cooperation with Ukraine

The kick-off event of « New Wave of Cooperation » gathered participants from the previous projec...
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Bridges of Trust | CEMR launches innovative matchmaking platform at Ukrainian Recovery Conference

On 11 and 12 June, the Ukrainian Recovery Conference (URC) in Berlin brought together key figures in...
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Representatives of Latvian municipalities on tour in Belgium

Our Latvian partner LALRG organised a second study visit in Belgium on 15-16 May. In Brussels, Latvi...
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The Committee of the Regions approves our 5 amendments to its « Enlargement package” opinion

Five amendments submitted by PLATFORMA and the Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments...
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Euractiv | Ukraine’s battle for civic services as war rages

(This article was published by Xhoi Zajmi on on 8 March 2024) Ukrainian municipalities ...
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Déclaration du CCRE à l’occasion du deuxième anniversaire du déclenchement de la guerre russe contre l’Ukraine

Les dirigeants locaux et régionaux européens, réunis sous l’égide du Conseil des Communes ...
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The road to enlargement must be local

On 14 December 2023, EU member states took a historic decision for the future of the EU project: gat...
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Ukrainian pupils visited Tbilisi City Assembly

(This article has been published on NALAG website) Pupils from the city of Lviv (Ukraine) are visiti...
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Bridges of Trust | French municipalities engage in reconstruction in Ukraine

(This article was initially published on CEMR website) 3 Ukrainian municipalities Apostolove, Zeleno...
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The Eastern Partnership Equality and Women’s Solidarity Forum in 8 quotes

Following the impressive rates of adoption of the European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in ...
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Ukrainian municipal delegation closes ties with Hungary

Members of a delegation of Ukrainian local and regional governments are on a study visit to Hungary ...
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[Expired] CEMR is looking for two external experts for Bridges of Trust project

CEMR is looking for two external experts located in an EU member state for its Bridges of Trust proj...
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Rebuilding Ukraine thanks to city-to-city cooperation

Since March 2021, PLATFORMA and CEMR have been implementing the Bridges of Trust project that create...
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Interview | Bravery and resilience have no gender, Chernihiv city councillor claims

On the occasion of a workshop « Amplifying the voices of Ukrainian Women in post-war recovery » ...
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Estonian municipalities send power generators to Ukraine

Thanks to donations from Estonian municipalities, the Association of Estonian Cities and Municipalit...
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Le CCRE soutient l’Ukraine et appelle à la libération des maires enlevés

A l’occasion du premier anniversaire du début de l’agression russe en Ukraine, le Conse...
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Le maire de Korosten fait l’éloge de sa ville jumelle lituanienne : « Nous avons trouvé de vrais amis »

Après l’invasion soudaine de l’Ukraine par la Russie en février de l’année dern...
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ALAL is supporting the « Let’s radar! » campaign

To mark a year since the beginning of the brutal invasionof Ukraine, Lithuanian National Radio and T...
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Appel aux villes et aux régions pour donner des générateurs à l’Ukraine

La Commission européenne et le Comité des régions ont lancé un appel humanitaire aux villes et...
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