On track towards the EDLS 2019! Time to speak up about decentralised cooperation

6 mai 2019

For the 4th time, European cities and regions are called to participate to the European Days of Local Solidarity (EDLS), taking place from 15 to 30 November 2019!

The main objective of this campaign run by PLATFORMA’s partners is to engage European local and regional elected representatives and public officials to communicate positively about the added value of decentralised cooperation and the role of cities and regions in global sustainable development. The European Days of Local Solidarity are an opportunity to do this under one same pan-European campaign, along with cities and regions from all over Europe.

In 2018, over 120 cities and regions took part in this two-week campaign. This year, the goal is to keep the number of EDLS actions growing and to reach a broader European audience! PLATFORMA’s partners involved in the EDLS will organise events at national or regional level between May and October 2019 to mobilise a maximum number of municipalities to sign the EDLS Charter and organise an action during the EDLS in November.

PLATFORMA launched the Charter of the European Days of Local Solidarity in 2016. Its is a political document, presenting the principles and values sustaining cities’ and regions’ engagement in decentralised cooperation. It encourages local and regional governments to make a public commitment to solidarity and to inform citizens about decentralised cooperation and their city’s or region’s commitment for a more sustainable and equal world.

Elected representatives at local and regional level across Europe can commit to the EDLS Charter by signing it online.

Promotional toolkit

The EDLS 2019 promotional toolkit will be ready soon to help any partner, city or region to promote its activity at a European scale, including the EDLS logo, the official poster and flyer, a banner and twitter visuals.

The EDLS promote decentralised cooperation as an opportunity to raise citizens’ awareness on the challenges of sustainable development in the world. International cooperation between cities and regions creates a unique political, cultural and societal bond that stands as an example of solidarity and respect and that connects us with other communities in the world. Entrenched in the cities’ own cultural diversity, it helps promoting citizens’ commitment to poverty reduction both at home and abroad. Decentralised cooperation is ultimately an opportunity to promote social cohesion, integration and solidarity at a European and global scale.

For inspiration, find some examples of EDLS actions in the 2018 EDLS Programme, have a look at the EDLS website www.localsolidaritydays.eu  and the EDLS Twitter campaign (#LocalSolidarityDays).

For any inquiry regarding how to register an activity under the EDLS Campaign, please note that an online form will be soon available on the EDLS Website. Until then, please contact the Secretariat (laia.vinyesmarce@ccre-cemr.org).

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