Offering new perspectives to long-lasting cooperation

After a request for assistance in tackling a waste management and treatment challenge of the municip...
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Launch of first CONNECT-Covenant of Mayors exchange: work with colleagues on climate!

The CONNECT team is happy to present to you a new opportunity for learning, through an exchange with...
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From CONNECT to CONCEPT: the exchange in Moldova

After a demand on support on solid waste management and intermunicipal cooperation was made by six M...
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CONNECT’s first triangular cooperation: Sri Lanka, Brazil and Barcelona meet each other

After a request for support on municipal planning was sent out on behalf of nine cooperating Sri Lan...
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Launch of first CONNECT-Covenant of Mayors exchange: learn from colleagues about climate!

The CONNECT team is happy to present to you a new opportunity for learning through an exchange with ...
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CONNECT: Another match has been made!

The CONNECT team is happy to announce that yet another CONNECTion has been established. The Moldova...
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APLA’s director participates in first CONNECT work placement

At the end of April, the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG) received the CEO of the Ass...
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CONNECT is looking for municipal expertise for Sri Lanka and Moldova [DEADLINE 15 July 2018]

The CONNECT team is happy to present to you two new opportunities for learning and exchange from col...
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CONNECT is looking for municipal experts in waste management and water supply

The municipality of Ziniaré (Burkina Faso) and the Moroto District (Uganda) need short-term assista...
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CONNECT is looking for partners for a selection committee!

Now that the CONNECT mechanism has entered its second phase (October 2017-October 2018), VNG Interna...
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CONNECT acaba de ser presentado en las quintas Jornadas de la cooperación descentralizada

PLATFORMA y su socio, la Agencia de colaboración internacional de la Asociación de Municipios Hola...
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Descubra CONNECT en las “Assises de la cooperation décentralisée»

PLATFORMA y su socio VNG International (la Agencia de colaboración internacional de la Asociación ...
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El primer intercambio de conocimientos de CONNECT tiene lugar en Agona West (Ghana)

El primer intercambio de conocimientos facilitado por CONNECT ya es una realidad. Del 15 al 19 de ma...
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¡Los municipios europeos están preparados para CONNECT!

Los expertos municipales de Sandgerdi (Islandia) y Almere (Países Bajos) se reunieron el 31 de marz...
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CONNECT needs you! !!!NEW DEADLINE!!!

CONNECT – the new exchange mechanism developed by PLATFORMA and VNG International – is looking f...
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CONNECT: it’s all about sharing local expertise

Are you looking for an expert from another country? PLATFORMA and VNG International are presenting C...
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