
Barometer | How Andalusian citizens perceive municipal public management of global challenges

The Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for International Solidarity (FAMSI) has published its second ...
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The 5th AN^MAR Forum strengthened territorial alliances between Andalusia and Northern Morocco

The 5th edition of the AN^MAR Forum meant reinforcing international political dialogue to advance th...
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Fons Mallorcan film exhibition includes for the first time a film aimed at children

The film exhibition of the Mallorcan Fund acquires a new format under the title «Cinema and intercu...
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A Majorcan library pioneer in creating an SDG laboratory based on Fons Mallorquí’s exhibition

From 17 April to 19 May, the Es Rafal library in Sa Pobla (Spain), became a space to discover what t...
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Province of Barcelona | Global Citizenship Education at the programme of the World Fair Trade Day

Throughout May, more than 40 local governments celebrated the World Fair Trade Day in the Province o...
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Mallorca: four new Global Citizenship Education projects have started

The General Assembly of partner entities of Fons Mallorquí, held last March, approved four Global C...
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FEMP is improving access to data on Official Development Assistance by local governments

The Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), with the assistance of the internatio...
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Spain welcomes its new law on international cooperation

After a two-year process of negotiation, the new Spanish law on Cooperation for Sustainable Developm...
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FAMSI launches «GloClima: local governments and citizenship for climate in Andalusia»

Over 120 local and provincial government partners of FAMSI will be the beneficiaries of an initiativ...
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Zaragoza (Spain)-Ouonck (Senegal) | Rehabilitation of infrastructres and strengthening of the economic activity of spirulina production in Ouonck

[Update: on 6 December 2022, Zaragoza and Ouonck won the 2nd prize at the PLATFORMAwads] For the thi...
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Vallès Occidental (Spain)-Missirah (Senegal) | Before eating, I wash my hands

For the third time, the PLATFORMAwards will put under the spotlights the best practices in city-to-c...
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«Les Elegides» will gather local elected women from all over the world in Mallorca

Political representatives from Tunisia, Senegal, Bolivia, Lebanon, Nicaragua, Niger, Morocco and Pal...
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Measuring policy coherence for development with the support of the Barcelona Provincial Council

The Barcelona Provincial Council provided support to the Sant Boi de Llobregat City Hall to design a...
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Promoting the empowerment of women in the Andean highlands

In 2019, FAMSI, with the support of the Provincial Council of Córdoba (Spain), promoted the first p...
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Online training on sustainable development from the perspective of local cooperation

An online training on «Local authorities and implementation of SDG 11» is carried out in the frame...
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FAMSI promotes a project to strengthen the capacities of local governments in the Dominican Republic and Haiti

Specific agreements were recently signed between the Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for Internati...
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Water cooperation with global South helps European regions

By Vlagyiszlav Makszimov | Decentralised cooperation for sustainable water managemen...
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Round table on actions to accelerate gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls

The second expert round table organised by Fons Mallorquí on SDS 5 (Gender Equality) will take plac...
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Take part to the IVth Andalusian Solidarity Forum

The Andalusian Solidarity Forum (Foro Andalucía Solidaria) aims to strengthen public policy for int...
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Fons Mallorquí opens a call for micro-projects to raise awareness in the field of Education for Global Citizenship

The Executive Committee of Fons Mallorquí gave the green light on 9 June to a call that will dedic...
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