
Internacionalización | Resiliencia y Reconstrucción en la reunión de REPIT

La Red de Expertos en Paradiplomacia e Internacionalización Territorial (REPIT) realizará su terce...
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Empowering the next generation of local leaders: Join the «Young Elected Officials Academy»

Are you a young local politician or an aspiring young leader eager to make a difference in your comm...
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Interested in joining our learning course on SDGs and Decentralised Cooperation?

From 3 June to 28 July, the course «Localizing the SDGs through Decentralised Cooperation: tools fo...
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Watch our training on Climate Adaptation and Mitigation for Locally Elected Representatives

UCLG learning, PLATFORMA and CEMR organised online a free “Climate Academy: Online training on Ada...
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Register now to our free training on Climate Adaptation and Mitigation for Locally Elected Representatives

UCLG learning, PLATFORMA and CEMR are organising a “Climate Academy: Online training on Adaptation...
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The bicycles of decentralised cooperation keep on rolling

The summary report Localizing the SDGs: Regional Perspectives on Decentralized Cooperation was launc...
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Políticos locales aprenden más sobre adaptación y mitigación

El Consejo de Municipios y Regiones de Europa (CMRE) y PLATFORMA, junto con Ciudades y Gobiernos Loc...
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New e-learning course available in NALAS e-Academy on water and sanitation

NALAS e-Academy has been enriched with a new e-learning course on Capital infrastructure investment ...
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[ACTUALIZADO] Nueva oferta formativa del Observatorio de Cooperación Descentralizada

La nueva realidad post-pandemia trae nuevos retos y desafíos a nivel mundial que determinarán el f...
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Online training on sustainable development from the perspective of local cooperation

An online training on «Local authorities and implementation of SDG 11» is carried out in the frame...
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¡El Módulo 4 en marcha! Localización de los ODS a través de la cooperación descentralizada

PLATFORMA se convirtieron en los primeros formadores del Módulo de Aprendizaje 4: Localización de ...
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Take part to NALAS online course on Gender Mainstreaming at local level

NALAS online course on Gender Mainstreaming at Local Level, organised by NALAS in the framework of P...
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Discover NALAS e-Learning courses on Social Approaches

The Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe (NALS) is proposing e-Learning...
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Launch of the «Training of Trainers» Module 4 on SDGs & Decentralised Cooperation with UCLG

Attend the launching presentation of our training module on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)...
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Register now to the online training course on Decentralised Cooperation by DIBA

The Observatory of Decentralised Cooperation has launched the third edition of its online training...
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Register to the Summer course on Local Governance and Localising the SDGs

The Hague Academy for Local Governance is offering, together with the International cooperation age...
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Training sessions on the 2030 Agenda by Fons Mallorquí

Fons Mallorquí organises a training day on the 2030 Agenda to discuss and learn about proposals on ...
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At PLATFORMA’s meeting, UCLG gathers partnerships for an SDG Module 4

(This article was initially published on UCLG website) PLATFORMA partners express interest in applyi...
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Inscríbete al los cursos online sobre ODS y cooperación descentralizada

El Observatorio de Cooperación Descentralizada, integrado por la Diputación de Barcelona y la Inte...
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Inscríbete al curso online sobre cooperación descentralizada antes del 15 de septiembre

El Observatorio de Cooperación Descentralizada lanza la catorceava edición del curso de formación...
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