Du 12 au 14 avril 2021

NALAS 2021 General Assembly

XVI NALAS General Assembly will be organised from 12 to 14 April 2021, in partnership with the Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova (CALM) and a number of international partners. The event will be held online and provides a great opportunity for Mayors, local government staff and practitioners to join, exchange and learn.

The rich program of the General Assembly will include the following side events:

  • 12 April: Online City to City Dialogue: Sharing experiences from the Urban Partnership Program
  • 12 April: PLATFORMA Online Peer Exchange: CALM and Local Government Associations from South and Eastern Europe
  • 13 April: Online NALAS General Assembly Statutory Meeting
  • 13 April: PLATFORMA Eastern Partnership Coordination Seminar: Reinforcing Dialogue on Local Government Reform in Moldova and South-East Europe
  • 14 April: Sustainable Local Economic Development in South-East Europe
  • 14 April: Second Forum of Women Mayors in SEE: Inclusive Local Economic Development

The General Assembly will be held in English language, with simultaneous translation in Albanian, Macedonian, Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian/Montenegrin languages.

Please register on the following LINK.

Overall 2021 NALAS General Assembly Programme

More information here.

Ajouter à votre calendrier 2021-04-12 2021-04-14 Europe/Brussels NALAS 2021 General Assembly Online