CEMR contributes to the Multi-stakeholder platform on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in the EU

10 juillet 2018

In June, the subgroups on « equality, justice, inclusion and decent work » and on « Delivering SDGs at local and regional level » of the Multi-stakeholder platform on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the EU adopted two sets of recommendations to the European Commission, drafted by CEMR.

Both documents focus respectively on how the European Pillar of Social Rights can support the achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and how the SDGs can be successfully implemented at local and regional level. The documents are available on the Platform’s website.

Earlier in March 2018, the Management Committee of the multi-stakeholder platform issued an advisory report to the Commission prior to the presentation of the proposal for the Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF).


In 2017, the European Commission decided to establish a multi-stakeholder platform on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the EU. CEMR was selected to represent local and regional governments. The European Committee of the Regions and EUROCITIES are also members of the platform, which is composed of further 27 organisations, trade unions and NGOs; the list is available on the Commission’s website.

The mandate of the Platform is to support the Commission in the implementation of the SDGs in the EU, to provide expertise and input; to assist the Commission in the award process of an annual award, and to provide a forum for exchange of best practices and experience.

The work of the Platform in 2018

The Platform is chaired by the first Vice-President of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans, and the first meeting took place on 10th January. CEMR is represented by its Secretary General, Frédéric Vallier; Angelika Poth-Mögele, Executive Director European Affairs, represents CEMR in the management committee of the Platform, which met twice so far: 3 December 2017, 14 March 2018 and 13 June 2018.

The main objective of the Platform in 2018 is to contribute to the reflection paper on sustainable Europe, which the European Commission will publish in autumn. A first draft, prepared by a drafting committee has been shared and discussed with the members of the Management Committee; and a revised version will be provided in July. A more elaborated text is expected to be available early September, and the final version shall be adopted by the Platform at its second meeting on 11 October.

Another initiative has been prepared: an EU sustainability award. The first edition was just launched and it will be on “Empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality”.

The competition is open to 4 stakeholder categories:

  1. Youth;
  2. Public bodies;
  3. Private bodies;
  4. Civil society.

Deadline for applications is 14 September; more information is available on the Platform’s website.

Working structure

The work of the Committee is supported by seven subgroups that focus on specific issues. These are the subgroups (CEMR participates in subgroups I, III, IV and VII):

Subgroup I– Governance, Coherence and the Rule of Law

  • Subgroup II – Equality, Justice, Inclusion and Decent work
  • Subgroup III – Monitoring, Assessing and Reporting Progress on the SDGs
  • Subgroup IV – Global dimension of SDGs, including trade and migration
  • Subgroup V – Corporate Social responsibility, incl. responsible business conduct and supply chains
  • Subgroup VI–Environment and Natural Resource efficiency, incl. agriculture and food systems
  • Subgroup VII– Delivering SDG at local and regional level
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