SALAR promotes municipal learning, experience exchange and co-production on migration related urban challenges

4 mars 2021

Over the last three years, Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions’ (SALAR) Resilience in Local Governance Project supports Turkish local governments in grasping and responding migration-related urban challenges with a series of publications and events.

RESLOG – Knowledge Generation Book Series consist of 12 publications developed in collaboration with various national and international experts. The themes covered in the series are also introduced to municipalities with bi-monthly integrative Knowledge Generation Seminars, which provides a platform for dialogue and discussion.

The series introduces the municipalities with existing and emergent perspectives, trends and intervention tools along with municipal experiences that can positively affect the perspective and practices of local decision-makers towards enhanced inclusion and peace.

However, the ingenuity of the book series lies in the municipal co-learning and co-production experience it offers. Municipal officials from diverse political and geographic backgrounds have authored three of the books focusing on municipal experiences in Welcoming Mass Migration, Inclusive Social Services, and Social Cohesion and Co-habitation.

In 2021, Knowledge Generation activities will continue advancing dialogue, experience exchange and networking among municipal actors by addressing universally acknowledged themes of Sustainable Development Goals, climate change and gender equality along with municipal experiences in these fields.

Digital copies of the RESLOG Knowledge Generation Books are accessible here.

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