European Council

Our thoughts on the Polish Presidency programme

Last week, the Polish presidency of the Council of the European Union presented its programme for th...
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EU-CELAC Summit: local governments want to be part of the new EU – Latin America and the Caribbean relations

In a joint Declaration, local and regional leaders of the Latin America Caribbean region (LAC) and o...
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EU-CELAC Summit: a multi-stakeholder follow-up mechanism to ensure long-term engagement of local governments, civil society and trade unions

In a joint letter sent yesterday (6 July), PLATFORMA and the Council of European Municipalities and ...
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Géorgie, Moldavie, Ukraine : comment les rapprocher de l’UE ?

C’était quelques jours après le déclenchement de la guerre par la Russie : tour à tour, l&rsqu...
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Le ‘NDICI’, un accord historique pour la coopération décentralisée

C’est un grand pas en avant. La consultation des villes, des régions et de leurs associations...
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L’UE consacre 500 millions d’euros aux villes et régions dans le cadre du programme NDICI

Le nouvel instrument de financement de l’UE pour le développement international inclura des consu...
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Conference: Together for the 2030 Agenda – Municipalities as trailblazers for global sustainable development

The digital conference « Together for the 2030 Agenda – Municipalities as trailblazers for globa...
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Everything was closed during lockdown? Not really. Check what was said during our webinars!

How things have changed over the last three months! Citizens, local and regional governments – and...
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Future of the Eastern Partnership: keep the success story alive

Two days before the Eastern Partnership leaders’ video conference between the EU and Eastern P...
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Nos 11 recommandations pour une réponse globale coordonnée au COVID-19

En tant que pandémie, le COVID-19 est devenu un problème mondial qui ne connaît pas de frontière...
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Conclusions on the SDGs: A little step for the EU Council, a big step for local and regional governments

PLATFORMA reacted very positively following the adoption and release of a new set of conclusions on ...
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Why EU must guarantee funding for local, regional governments in post-2020 development policy

Member states must strongly support the proposal of the European Parliament to add a budget line for...
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PLATFORMA strengthens links with the Council

The Secretariat of PLATFORMA is having regular meetings with EU Member States Permanent Representati...
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“Sustainable” is in the air for the Finnish Presidency of the Council

While EU heads of State and government spent the whole night of 30 June to 1 July trying to find the...
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Council confirms: Towns and regions have a key role to play in the implementation of the SDGs

The development of stronger and inclusive partnerships with other development actors, including loca...
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Council concerned by the democratic situation in Moldova

On 16 July 2018, the Foreign Affairs Council discussed the Eastern Partnership, ahead of the Eastern...
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Le Conseil demande que les villes soient mieux prises en compte dans le cadre des programmes de développement

Les États membres encouragent la Commission européenne et le Service européen pour l’action...
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Is ‘less’ really ‘more’ in the new European Consensus on Development?

« European development policy must prioritise democracy, inclusiveness and sustainability. To do t...
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Nouveau consensus européen pour le développement: la réalisation des ODD dépend des gouvernements locaux et régionaux

Un nouveau consensus européen sur le développement reconnaît le rôle des gouvernements locaux et...
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