Fons Mallorqui

Empowering women in local politics: the impact of Les Elegides in Bolivia

(4/6) Discover today how the Consell de Mallorca and its 52 municipalities (Spain) presents Les Eleg...
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Palestinian Councillor from Ramallah Municipality and Gender expert to visit four Majorcan municipalities

As part of the Les Elegides program, which aims to foster and strengthen the political participation...
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Fruitful exchanges at FAMSI seminar on Decentralised Cooperation and Territorial Approach in Senegal

Participants deepened their understanding of the role of local and regional governments as agents of...
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Bolivia | Fons Mallorquí advanced work on gender equality

Fons Mallorquí organised the first meeting of « Mayor Women for Health, Wellbeing and Equality �...
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30 years | Fons Mallorquí has carried out 2,000 projects with nearly 200 NGOs and local entities

The Fons Mallorquí of Solidarity and Cooperation celebrated its 30 years of history with a great in...
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Fons Mallorcan film exhibition includes for the first time a film aimed at children

The film exhibition of the Mallorcan Fund acquires a new format under the title « Cinema and inter...
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A Majorcan library pioneer in creating an SDG laboratory based on Fons Mallorquí’s exhibition

From 17 April to 19 May, the Es Rafal library in Sa Pobla (Spain), became a space to discover what t...
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Mallorca: four new Global Citizenship Education projects have started

The General Assembly of partner entities of Fons Mallorquí, held last March, approved four Global C...
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« Les Elegides » will gather local elected women from all over the world in Mallorca

Political representatives from Tunisia, Senegal, Bolivia, Lebanon, Nicaragua, Niger, Morocco and Pal...
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Water cooperation with global South helps European regions

By Vlagyiszlav Makszimov | Decentralised cooperation for sustainable water managemen...
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Round table on actions to accelerate gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls

The second expert round table organised by Fons Mallorquí on SDS 5 (Gender Equality) will take plac...
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« A look at Burkina Faso » – Film projection by Fons Mallorquí

Fons Mallorquí is organising a new film projection on October 7, 8 and 9 in Cineciutat. This time, ...
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Vers le 5e anniversaire de l’approbation de l’Agenda 2030

Il ne reste plus qu’une décennie pour les réaliser et les Nations Unies reconnaissent déjà...
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Fons Mallorquí opens a call for micro-projects to raise awareness in the field of Education for Global Citizenship

The Executive Committee of Fons Mallorquí gave the green light on 9 June to a call that will dedic...
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Fons Mallorquí: three emergency projects to reduce the effects of COVID-19 in southern countries

Three emergency projects have been approved by the Executive commission of Fons Mallorquí to reduce...
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Fons Mallorquí approved projects and lines of action for 2020

The Mallorcan Found has approved the projects of the municipal programs and of the Mediterranean and...
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The prizes of the 2nd Short Committed Films’ Competition just awarded

« Losing my mind » (“Perdiendo el juicio”), by Mario Ventura and Nacho Bonet of the Bendinat...
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Another success for the EDLS 2019!

More than 60 European cities and regions organised 60 events and activities during these 4th Europea...
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Plus de 45 villes se joignent aux Journées européennes de la Solidarité locale 2019 !

La quatrième édition des Journées européennes de la Solidarité locale (European Days of Local S...
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Training sessions on the 2030 Agenda by Fons Mallorquí

Fons Mallorquí organises a training day on the 2030 Agenda to discuss and learn about proposals on ...
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