
Inclusive Municipalities for a home for all children on the move

The promotion of foster care for minors, adolescents and young people on the move was launched in fi...
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NALAS | Exchange of good practices on host communities & people on the move

The first two info sessions on migration & asylum situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbi...
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EU cities mobilise to address mental health toll of war on Ukrainians

This article has been published on Euractiv.com by Silvia Ellena  European cities and towns are fac...
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What is local and regional governments’ role in welcoming Ukrainian refugees?

Many women, minors and elderly men are settling within the borders of the European Union. To date, o...
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The UN refugee agency draws attention to SALAR’s international work as a good example

Through SKL International, SALAR supports municipalities in Turkey and Lebanon that have received mi...
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CEMR joins campaign “We cannot walk alone”

Ahead of the World Refugee Day (20 June) CEMR’s Citizenship team and IncluCities are joining Refug...
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SALAR promotes municipal learning, experience exchange and co-production on migration related urban challenges

Over the last three years, Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions’ (SALAR) Resilienc...
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IncluCities, city-to-city collaboration for better migrant integration

On June 17 the IncluCities with its partners on board will spread the sails and set off for a 2-and-...
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[EXPIRED] CEMR is looking for a Communication Officer for the «InCluCities project»

CEMR is looking for a Communication Officer for its new «InCluCities project». The «IncluCities P...
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Making integration a success: Euronews interviews mayor of Mechelen and CEMR

Migrant integration is a real challenge for many European towns and regions. In Belgium, one mayor s...
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Cities and regions call for a high political dialogue on migration and integration

Following the European Summit of 28-29 June 2018, the Secretary General of the Council of European M...
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Fons Mallorquí puts in the spotlight the Arab and Mediterranean cinema

In the framework of the activities of the 25th anniversary of Fons Mallorquí, an Arab and Mediterra...
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Local governments answer Macron’s call for European funding for towns and cities

Local governments around Europe received President Macron’s proposal with great interest and enthu...
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CPMR regions discuss actions to tackle migration challenges towards a multilevel governance approach

Member regions involved in the CPMR’s Migration Task Force gathered in Brussels on 07 February to ...
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1,300 participants from 38 countries at Cités Unies France “Internationalisation of towns & regions” meeting

The “Internationalisation of towns & regions” meeting, organised on 9 and 10 October 2017, a...
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#Cities4Migration: Noviembre, mes para la solidaridad con las personas migrantes

Este noviembre tendrán lugar dos grandes eventos sobre migraciones: una Conferencia de Alto Nivel s...
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Fons Mallorquí is participating in an Erasmus + project aimed at helping immigrant women

Fons Mallorquí de Solidaritat has been invited to participate in an Erasmus + project led by a cent...
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CUF se centra en la internacionalización de ciudades y regiones

Ciudades Unidas de Francia, en colaboración con el Ministerio para Europa y de Asuntos Exteriores f...
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Nuevo centro de salud en los campos de refugiados saharauis

La construcción de los nuevos centros de salud comienza en Dalian of Lemsid, en los campos de refug...
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The Global Strategy: comprehensive but not local enough

The new Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy was just presented to EU Member States by Hig...
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