
Key recommendations from the EU-EaP Local Leaders Seminar

Local government associations (LGAs), EU institutions, think tanks, NGOs and senior national represe...
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Highlights from PLATFORMA Eastern Partnership Cluster Meeting

The 3rd Cluster Meeting of the PLATFORMA Eastern Partnership (EaP) took place on 27 November in Brus...
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Upcoming EU-EaP Local Leaders Seminar on Eastern trio

Save the date for the EU-EaP Local Leaders Seminar, Strengthening Local Government Capacities for EU...
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European Mayors strengthening their engagement at UN High-Level Political Forum

A delegation of European Mayors and councillors is heading to New York to defend the key role of loc...
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The Committee of the Regions approves our 5 amendments to its « Enlargement package” opinion

Five amendments submitted by PLATFORMA and the Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments...
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Local democracy at the core of Georgia and Moldova EU accession

Representatives from the European External Action Service (EEAS) and local elected officials from Ge...
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The road to enlargement must be local

On 14 December 2023, EU member states took a historic decision for the future of the EU project: gat...
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CORLEAP | Our speakers underline the importance of bottom-up processes to include citizens in local political life

PLATFORMA Spokesperson on Eastern Partnership Ms. Vaida Aleknavičienė (Lithuania) and CEMR vice-pr...
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Ukrainian pupils visited Tbilisi City Assembly

(This article has been published on NALAG website) Pupils from the city of Lviv (Ukraine) are visiti...
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Municipal exchange workshop Lithuania-Georgia focuses on regional development and financial policies

Speakers of the Georgia-Lithuania peer exchange on the role of municipalities in regional developmen...
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The Eastern Partnership Equality and Women’s Solidarity Forum in 8 quotes

Following the impressive rates of adoption of the European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in ...
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NALAS-NALAG Peer exchange | the role of municipalities in the integration of vulnerable groups

The localisation of Human Rights and the role of municipalities in the integration of vulnerable gro...
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Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine | Sharing green solutions at the local level in Lithuania

Sharing solutions on waste management, water management systems and energy efficiency in municipalit...
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Géorgie, Moldavie, Ukraine : comment les rapprocher de l’UE ?

C’était quelques jours après le déclenchement de la guerre par la Russie : tour à tour, l&rsqu...
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Localising SDG5 in Georgia: Women’s economic empowerment in rural municipalities

Eleven women from two Georgian target municipalities – Oni and Senaki – received a grant for the...
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GreeTHiS, a stepping stone for the development of the Black Sea Basin

The GreeTHiS project which started in 2018 and will end in December 2021, derives from the shared id...
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‘Kiss goodbye’ to reform if local leaders in EU neighbourhood ignored, stakeholders warn

By Vlagyiszlav Makszimov | Though their efforts are often overlooked, from cultural ...
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Why the future is local for the Eastern Partnership

« After having interacted over the past decade, the European Union is now better placed to engage ...
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Les élus locaux expliquent comment réussir le partenariat oriental

Alors que le prochain sommet Union européenne-Partenariat oriental (UE-EaP) approche à grands pas,...
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Upgrading local democracy through new technologies and engaging digital natives

“If we take the advantage of the COVID-19 situation, we could modernise public administration in a...
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