Better aligning decentralised cooperation with EU external action in Mozambique

54 participants attended the online seminar focusing on decentralised cooperation in Mozambique. It ...
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MEPs: “All actors should be involved from the beginning until the end of projects”

Local and regional government should be even better involved in the EU development policy, said in s...
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Le ‘NDICI’, un accord historique pour la coopération décentralisée

C’est un grand pas en avant. La consultation des villes, des régions et de leurs associations...
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L’UE consacre 500 millions d’euros aux villes et régions dans le cadre du programme NDICI

Le nouvel instrument de financement de l’UE pour le développement international inclura des consu...
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Commissaire Jutta Urpilainen : « Nous soutiendrons les actions et les acteurs locaux »

« Les partenariats multipartites sont une partie essentielle de notre travail avec les organisation...
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How towns, regions and their associations can contribute to the 2021-2027 EU Programming

The forthcoming new Neighbourhood, Development, International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), still ...
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« Obtenir des fonds européens sera plus difficile pour les villes et les régions dans le cadre de la nouvelle architecture financière », reprochent les maires aux Rencontres de CUF

PLATFORMA organisait un atelier « Modèle européen – quelle réalité pour l’AICT en E...
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Local and regional governments should be at the heart of 3rd EU Gender action plan!

The most recent webinar in a series on how local authorities and coalitions of associations can cont...
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Le plan de relance européen et le CFP doivent soutenir les communes et les régions

La réponse à la pandémie de COVID-19 l’a clairement montré : les collectivités territoria...
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EU delegations in partner countries are also there to help decentralised cooperation projects and partnerships

“Get in touch with EU delegation, they are your key allies in partner countries”, said in substa...
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Co-rapporteur Maria Arena reiterates European Parliament strong support to local governments in NDICI negotiations

MEP Maria Arena (S&D, Belgium) made clear that the EU must guarantee funding for local and regio...
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Promising meeting with Commissioner Urpilainen’s cabinet

Mid-January, our team met Commissioner Urpilainen’s cabinet member Renaud Savignat. The discussion...
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Why EU must guarantee funding for local, regional governments in post-2020 development policy

Member states must strongly support the proposal of the European Parliament to add a budget line for...
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PLATFORMA strengthens links with the Council

The Secretariat of PLATFORMA is having regular meetings with EU Member States Permanent Representati...
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Les villes et les régions ont besoin de financements de l’UE pour la coopération au développement !

PLATFORMA craint que les gouvernements locaux et régionaux ne puissent plus accéder aux financemen...
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PLATFORMA 2nd Position paper on the NDICI

The future Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) will bring im...
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Towns and regions applaud European Parliament’s support in the future development cooperation financing instrument

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have renewed their full support to local and governments i...
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Where are towns and regions in future EU development aid?

While MEPs just started discussing the European Commission proposal on the future Neighbourhood, Dev...
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PLATFORMA Position Paper on the future Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI)

On the 14th of June, the European Commission’ released its proposal for the “Neighbourhood and t...
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