Local Leaders 5 recommendations to the 6th EU-EaP Summit

21 December 2021

[Published on 15 December | Updated on 21 December with Council joint declaration]

Five key recommendations came out of the EU-EaP Local Leaders Forum organised by NALAS, a multi institutional discussion where nearly 100 participants and 15 speakers took part in, debating local public administration reforms in the EaP and the EU, and the renewed agenda of the EU and the EaP at national and local levels.

  1. To keep decentralisation high on the political agenda
  2. Complexity requires to align priorities
  3. Cooperation to attain common objectives
  4. Decentralisation and local Public administration reforms require long term commitment
  5. Global challenges require for Local Governments the means to confront them

Read the full recommendations here.

Council joint declaration

Following the Summit, the Council of the EU published a joint declaration of the Heads of State’s Summit  and included that the “Decentralisation efforts empowering local and regional self-government will be supported.” Furthermore, The document underlines the important role of Local self-governments. Priorities for LRGs include (i) achieving accountable, transparent and efficient public administration at all levels and  the establishment of an Eastern Partnership Academy for Public Administration;  (ii) promotion of gender equality and equal access to resources through systematic gender mainstreaming and gender responsive budgeting; (iii) Decentralisation efforts empowering local and regional self-government will be supported; (iv) Support for at least 50 municipalities will help them to respond better to complexity, adapt to uncertainty and climate change, and improve resilience; (v) strengthening the economic potential of rural and coastal areas.

(Photo by ANIRUDH on Unsplash)

Useful documents

Joint Recommendations as a follow-up to the 2021 EU-EaP Local Leaders’ Forum
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