VNG International is taking action on COVID-19 in partner countries

14 May 2020

The COVID-19 crisis is having a deep effect on local governance around the world. In the countries where VNG International works, there are many examples where the quality of governance may undermine communities’ resilience and stability, but also how local governments and their associations respond to the crisis.

Policy recommendations on the role of local governments

In a paper on the impact of Covid-19 on local authorities, the International Cooperation Agency of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG) recommends that local governments strengthen their ability to respond to, learn from and mitigate the impact of crises, that external actors continue to support sustainable inclusive governance to strengthen the resilience of communities and that the international community sustains its support to international solidarity and local cooperation.

Read the full document here.

Resilience LSSP Albania in face of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic leads to a major-scale disruption all around the globe. Everywhere it is testing the resilience of communities and their governments. Let’s look at Albania, in the Southern Balkan with a three-million population, where VNG International, FLAG and The Hague Academy for Local Governance are working with five Local Governments on developing and implementing Local Safety and Security Policies within a multi-stakeholder approach. A proven concept in the Netherlands where it is often called ‘the Triangle’ between Local Government, Local Police and Local Communities.

The project LSSP Albania, funded by the longstanding Matra-Program of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, happened to be in his last phase of harvesting results, sharing best practices and formulating next steps for a sustainable development of Local Safety and Security in Albania when COVID-19 appeared on the scene.

More information on VNG International website.

Supporting Libyan municipalities

VNG International was approached by its 14 target municipalities in Libya (in the West, East and South) to support them during the Covid-19 crisis. These requests vary from support in setting up procedures for such a crisis to healthcare equipment, and the Dutch International Cooperation Agency felt the urgency to provide some kind of support for these municipalities in need.

Therefore, a small portion of the project budget was dedicated for such support for small-scale interventions to increase the capacity of those municipalities in their Covid-19 crisis response. Such interventions are also linked to the project objective that Libyan public institutions at national and local level demonstrate increased capacities to improve the environment for effective service delivery.

More information on VNG International website.

Congo: Covid-19 is just another challenge to overcome…

VNG International team in Eastern DR Congo is supporting the Chiefdom of Buhavu and the Territory of Kalehe in the fight against Covid-19: from the distribution of water tanks to the support and briefing of the local committees which are closest to the citizens, the team did all it could, together with the local authorities, to increase trust between the population and the decision-makers. Crucial in these times of crisis.

To read more about their tremendous work, click here.

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