Closing Conference of EU4Municipalities in Albania

12 September 2024

The vibrant city of Shkodra (Albania) hosted the closing conference of the EU-funded project EU4Municipalities, on 10 July. Organised by the Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe (NALAS), this conference marked the culmination of a three-year journey that greatly enhanced local governance in Albania.

The EU4Municipalities program, financially supported by the European Union, made a direct impact on 19 municipalities through infrastructure improvements, service enhancements, and capacity-building initiatives. With a substantial investment of €1.7 million, the project resulted in the reconstruction of 24 public buildings, the creation or enhancement of 68 public services, and benefitted over 49,332 citizens, including 32,993 youths.

“The role of local government in the EU integration process is extremely important. Approximately 70% of the implementation of all EU legislation and standards happens at the local level” said EU Ambassador to Albania Ambassador Silvio Gonzato who emphasized the critical role of local governments in the EU integration.

He announced the continuation of EU support for local governments, revealing a significantly increased budget of €10 million for the next phase of the EU4Municipalities program, set to begin in 2025. This funding will provide additional grants to further benefit municipalities and their citizens.

The closing conference also featured esteemed dignitaries, including the Minister of State for Local Governance, Arbjan Mazniku, the Executive Director of NALAS, Kelmend Zajazi, the Executive Director of the Association for Local Autonomy, Adelina Farrici and the Mayor of Shkodra, Benet Beci. Their presence underscored the importance of the project and its positive impact on the communities involved.


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