From 20 to 21 February 2013
Dublin, Ireland

World Alliance of Cities Against Poverty Forum


Dublin City is co-hosting the forthcoming World Alliance of Cities Against Poverty (WACAP) Forum. In partnership with the United Nations Development Programme and UN Women, the Forum will address the global challenge of urban poverty and the role of technology in making cities Smart, Safe and Sustainable.


1000 international delegates, including some 100 Mayors and other city decision-makers, technology experts, local authority employees at the forefront of developing smart city solutions, academics, and NGOs engaged in development, anti-poverty and environmental work are expected in Dublin.



The Forum will feature real life case studies where technology has played a role in addressing the needs of people living in poverty. In addition, it will feature an Expo, which will provide space for businesses, regions, universities, NGOs and others to display and explain their projects.


A further key feature of the event is the matching of real challenges to real solutions. This exchange mechanism will begin in advance of the Forum via a dedicated website where urban decision makers and NGOs can outline specific needs to technology experts and other cities who will respond with advice and solution.


For more information see

Add to your calendar 2013-02-20 2013-02-21 Europe/Brussels World Alliance of Cities Against Poverty Forum Dublin, Ireland