Discover our brand new website!
Redesigned and refurbished, PLATFORMA’s revamped website goes live with a string of new features. The intent is simple: to provide local insight into development cooperation in Europe and worldwide.
“There are no two alike”, explains Wouter Boesman, Policy Director of PLATFORMA, the voice of local and regional governments involved in city-to-city and region-to-region development cooperation. “This unique tool not only helps share knowledge to make decentralised cooperation more efficient and effective, but also aims to raise awareness among citizens, communities and decision-makers of its importance.”
What to expect?
This 100% decentralised cooperation website will gather news on the various topics related to development cooperation at the local level (climate change, migration, urban development…) but also information on key EU topics such as the revision of the European Consensus on Development and the Sustainable Developments Goals.
Read us in 3 languages
News on decentralised cooperation deserves to be widely read. From now on, you can read us in three languages, English, French and Spanish. This allows us to reach a wider audience in South America and Africa.
A unique timeline
Readers will discover a unique timeline highlighting the milestones of decentralised cooperation and its progressive recognition by the EU over the past 15 years. Links to EU official documents are included.
Our partners in the blink of an eye
A whole new section is dedicated to our partners. A search tool will allow users to find, in the blink of an eye, all information on those networks and associations that make up PLATFORMA. Each partner’s page includes a short description, contact details as well as a social media live feed.
No more post-its
Key events organised by PLATFORMA, its partners and EU institutions feature at the bottom of the homepage. No need to scribble dates or events on post-its anymore. Simply click on “Add to your calendar” and the event you are interested in will be added to the calendar of your choice (ICalendar, Google, Outlook…).
An optimised browsing experience
The new website embodies a philosophy that is much more visually oriented: you will find a new scroll and drop-down menu navigation system and the website fluidly adapts to tablets and mobile devices. This philosophy, along with the above new features and many other smaller but impactful changes, is designed to optimise your browsing experience.
Our website was developed with the support of the European Commission and with the contributions of PLATFORMA’s partners.