DIBA & CLGF took part in the GAP III Structured Dialogue

5 December 2022

The Barcelona Provincial Council (DIBA) and the Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF) participated in the Structured Dialogue organised by the European Commission, the European External Action Service (EEAS), and the Policy Forum on Development (PFD) on the implementation of the 3rd Gender Action Plan of the EU (GAP III) on 1st December.

Under PLATFORMA and CEMR coordination, DIBA presented its decentralised cooperation project EqualMED to key actors in Europe on gender matters, including civil society organisations from partner countries.

EqualMED shows an example on the ground, specifically in municipalities in Morocco and Barcelona, on the implementation of GAP III. EqualMED started back in 2020 with the aim of contributing to mainstreaming a gender perspective in local public policies. It has also helped promoting women’s political participation in local governments in Morocco.

Several pilot projects have emerged from EqualMED and as such, the municipality of Tetuan and Terrassa also had the chance to share their experience throughout the dialogue.

EqualMED is led by IMADEL with the support of DIBA and has now turned into a community of 14 municipalities in Morocco and over 20 in Barcelona. It is the next step of the project on gender equality and local democracy between DIBA and IMADEL that was awarded with the 1st prize of the PLATFORMAwards in 2020

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