AFCCRE | Training and reflection on the external action of local and regional governments
AFCCRE is organising in Brussels two days devoted to the external action of local and regional governments.
Training 10 July
The EU’s multi-annual financial framework, which covers the period 2021-2027, no longer includes the specific budget line “Civil society organisations – Local authorities”, which reserved an envelope of the European development aid budget for the co-financing of decentralised cooperation projects.
As a result, local governments or their associations wishing to benefit from co-financing must apply to the EU’s “classic” thematic and, above all, geographical programmes, which are managed by the EU Delegations in the partner countries.
These procedures, which are commonplace for large NGOs, can be a major obstacle for local and regional authorities, who are unfamiliar with how these calls for projects work.
The aim of this training course, led by Flora Geley, a development policy consultant, will be to present the legal and budgetary framework, to discuss opportunities with representatives of the European Commission, and to draw on case studies with testimonials from European local authorities that have taken part in these initiatives.
Seminar 11 July
This seminar will be an opportunity to discuss the development of the European Days of Local Solidarity (EDLS) campaign created in 2016 by PLATFORMA and its partners to promote decentralised cooperation actions between local authorities and raise public awareness of the benefits of decentralised cooperation and interdependence in the face of global challenges. This format, inspired by the French FestiSol, does not necessarily enable all local and regional authorities to promote the awareness-raising activities they can carry out throughout the year, which is why we are inviting representatives of local and regional authorities and their associative or institutional partners to reflect on the form that a common frame of reference for promoting the external action of local and regional authorities could take.
This session will enable participants to discuss with representatives of the European institutions and the European network Global Education Network Europe (GENE) the new European framework for ECSI approved in November 2022 by the Member States in Dublin. This is the new declaration on education for global citizenship for 2050.