10 December 2021

Bridges of Trust Online Forum: Strengthening Municipal Cooperation between Ukraine and the EU

Join us on 10 December (9:30 to 15:00 EET/ 08:30 to 14:00 CET) for an exciting day of talks and exchanges about municipal cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union. Taking place online, the event will be conducted in Ukrainian and English with simultaneous interpretation in both languages.

The Forum is organised jointly by the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), PLATFORMA and the U-LEAD with Europe Programme. It will provide a unique space for dialogue and fostering cooperation among local authorities from Ukraine and the European Union.

Building on success of the previous municipal partnership activities organised by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and long-lasting commitment of CEMR PLATFORMA in this field, this Forum will highlight:

  • viable partnership tools and recommendations for municipalities that want to develop their international partnerships
  • successful case studies of EU-Ukraine municipal cooperation and programmes that support it.

Specific attention during the Forum will be given to the 10 municipalities from Ukraine and 10 municipalities from Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia that have recently started partnerships in the framework of the Initiative “Bridges of Trust”.

The full programme of the Forum can be found here: EnglishUkrainian.
To register, please fill in this online form by 1 December 2021.

If you have any questions, please contact Yana.Brovdiy[at]ccre-cemr.org.

(For the Ukrainian version of this agenda item, check here.)

Add to your calendar 2021-12-10 2021-12-10 Europe/Brussels Bridges of Trust Online Forum: Strengthening Municipal Cooperation between Ukraine and the EU Online