NEW DATE! Webinar – From the crisis you come out cooperating: decentralised cooperation during and after COVID-19 (in Spanish)
Hand in hand with the Basque Agency for Development Cooperation, the Autonomous Communities, the Cooperation and Solidarity Funds and other actors in decentralised cooperation, invite you to the virtual seminar “From the crisis you come out cooperating: decentralised cooperation during and after the COVID-19 ”which aims to reflect on the challenges that COVID-19 poses for decentralised cooperation and make proposals to address them.
- Aziza Akhmouch, Head of the OECD Cities, Urban Policies and Sustainable Development Division
- José Antonio Alonso, Professor at the Complutense University from Madrid
- Agustí Fernandez De Losada, Director of the Global Cities Program of the CIDOB (Barcelona Center for International Affairs)
- Moderated by Pilar Kaltzada, Journalist and writer
Thursday 4 June at 6 pm CEST.
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