Flemish cities and municipalities are invited to join the “Week of the Sustainable municipality”
From 18 to 25 September, the Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities (VVSG) organises the second edition of its ‘Week of the Sustainable Municipality’. Participating municipalities engage to promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and a group of local sustainable heroes during the entire week.
The heroes are citizens, schools, companies or organisations who contribute to the SDGs in their own daily way and are therefore nominated to be the ‘local faces of the global goals’. All sustainable municipalities, their heroes and images of their local activities will be presented on the campaign website www.duurzamegemeente.be.
Since all Flemish local governments are due to finish their new multiannual policy plans (2020-2025) by the end of 2019, VVSG seizes the opportunity of the campaign to have the participating municipalities integrate the SDGs in their long term policy, for example by offering training courses on the spot about the implementation of the SDGs in local policy plans and communication strategy.
Taking part in the campaign can certainly lead to more than mere sensibilisation, as declared various of the local governments who participated in last years edition. Policy coordinator Lies Op de Beeck of the municipality of Haacht states that “our engagement for the SDGs did not end after the campaign week. In our context analysis we linked all policy domains to the SDGs and in our multiannual plans – which we are writing at this very moment – we check every action and project to be SDG-proof.”
The Week of the Sustainable Municipality is an initiative of the Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities, with the support of the Flemish government and the Federal Public Service of Foreign Affairs. Cities and municipalities can register fort the campaign until the 10th of July.